The project included the Engineering, Procurement and Construction of the Import Jetty and the Seawater Intake system for Qatalum Plant within the Mesaieed Industrial City.
The main items of work comprised:
Construction of 300m long Jetty (Berth 8), to handle the import of raw materials, 123m long approach trestle, cat walk, mooring dophin
Provision of two seawater intake systems with pipe-work within a 90m long section of blockwork quay wall (Berth 7) at the stem of the jetty,
Reclamation works for the Qatalum access corridor,
Block paving in the container yard of 11000m2
Shore protection on both sides of the block work quay wall and
Dredging of pockets for berth and quay wall foundation.
Major Quantities:
Concrete : 35000 m3
Rebar reinf. : 5000 mt
Dredging : 77500 m3
Rocks : 57800 m3
Piling (1067mm dia) : 896 l.m. (36 nos.)
Piling (1219mm dia) : 2448 l.m. (96 nos.)